Thursday, October 30, 2008


I ran for 4 miles yesterday evening. It was the first time I have done an evening jog and I liked it. I could really feel how my body changed and was warmed up by mile 3. I can't believe it. I can't wait to set aside the time and really work for my 5 mile mark.
While on a longer run and after some frustration yesterday I had a lot of thoughts about life so here are my ramblings. I am reading a book titled "Crunchy cons" it is about a political ideology and how it affects your way of life. It has challenged me in areas of my life like shopping, eating and educating my children. What he says in the book is that life is about something more than always striving to be a 'better shopper.' We all know folks that live to shop and shop to live and are always filling their homes and cars and bodies with more and more stuff. I try to not live that way, we strive to live a simple life but still I find that we buy more stuff than we really need and we are pretty simple. Anyways, it makes me think of being Catholic and faithful to God. He is always calling us to new and deeper challenges and to grow towards Him, he is always calling us to evaluate ourselves and I love that. I love that in the past year I can see how I have changed personally. I wish that I could encourage that in all the people around me, to strive to know God more and to grow and challenge yourself. That is why my blog is entitled "Be not afraid" we can't be afraid to try new things and to fill ourselves with love and faith and family [and not just junk].

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