Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Longer Run

I just finished a run-to Jimmy Buffett music. I ran longer today than normal, once around the subdivision (i still have not measure how far that is) and then a 1.8 mile out of the subdivision and down to the doughnut shop. No, I did not get any doughnuts. My right knee hurt a bit at the beginning but once I got warmed up everything felt fine. Tomorrow morning we leave for vacation. I am packing my running shoes but know it will be much harder to get out of the bed when everyone else is snuggled in.
Bon Voyage

Monday, September 29, 2008

A rambling Mind

It is never easy to get out of bed this early to run. But once I am out it seems like it is getting easier to get into my groove. I ran a bit slower today but it felt good to be out there and running with the morning sun still not up.
We leave for a vacation on Wednesday and my mind was rambling with all the things I need to do in the next two days to get us ready to get out of here.
I listened to some of my husbands playlist today while I ran and it was refreshing to hear some new tunes...maybe I will re work my own playlist as well. And rename it to RUN!
Now to make my work lists for they day.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Red in the face

My parents saw me after a workout earlier this week. I was terribly red in the face and they both worried (being two nurses). That got me to thinking today. I have not been red in the face during a workout in about 1o years-back during my tennis days in highschool.

These thoughts give me encouragement today. I wanted to run longer than my normal 30 minutes and my body just said STOP. It felt discouraging to stop running during my usual time to cool down. But maybe each day I can do a little more and get there.

I am still thinking of a jolling stroller but honestly worry about pushing 50 pounds in front of me while I am training. Getting to swing my arms etc. will it be more difficult?

Friday, September 26, 2008

fighting to train

I did not run this morning. I was up twice last night with little M and exhausted. I think I am fighting off a cold-allergies make it difficult to keep these colds at bay. I have had two colds in the past 6 weeks. I will run tomorrow morning, Saturday, and I won't have to get up so early to do it since my husband will be home. On to my motherly and house duties for the day.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I just got back from my run for this morning. I ran for two minutes and walked for two minutes for the entire 30 minute run. I am seeing how I am making strides this week and it feels good. I can feel my muscles are working harder and I am sore- it feels good.

I spoke with my marathon runner sister-in-law last night. She encouraged me to not use qualifiers, if you are running-then you are running and that is darn good. She told me how she trains and said it has worked for her for so long that is what she continues to do even at 18 weeks pregnant. I figured I would try it.

On to the rest of my day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I began running almost four weeks ago. Let me change that-I have begun walking/running. I alternate throughout my workouts. "Why?" you may ask. I have decided to run with a team of close friends in a relay marathon. After having my second baby just 4 months ago I am ready to do something for myself. This is a great challenge and good for my body.

I want to thank all the women who have inspired me.
Stephanie O'Brien, for all the marathons she has run over the years.
Nicole Scott, for being a mom and staying in shape.
Christa Yanez, for running a triathalon at four months post partum (you are my hero!)