Monday, October 27, 2008


That spells Cold...and it was this morning. I thought to myself, this is crazy, go in where it is warm but after 8 minutes outside and two runs I was warm enough. I was glad I had my fleece but I was warm enough. I was up with my little M at 5:20 this morning and just didn't go back to bed once she was back to sleep, because that warm cozy bed was going to be too much.
I ran for 45 minutes this morning, saw a neighbor, my dad (who lives across the street), his cat and the recycle truck.

Last night I spoke with two women who will be running on my team in December and we are all getting excited. I am not sure that anyone is running their distance yet but we all still have time. It is nice to be in this boat together.


nicole said...

I don't know if I would say I was excited about the run. Maybe more ready to be done. ;)

I got back on the treadmill today after an unintentional two week break. I was only able to go 3 miles today. But I know I can work my way up to six by December.

Keep up your good work!

Amy D said...

I haven't hit my 4 mile mark yet but I'm really hoping to in the next couple of weeks...

Keep it up ladies!!

I'm kind of like you Nicole...I thik I"m ready a bit more ready to be done!