Monday, January 5, 2009

The will to run

This past month has been so crazy with sick kids and the busyness of life. I did not run this weekend, life gets so busy and there just is not enough time. On top of the feelings of letting myself down I feel like I am letting down my family.
So my confession is I turned on Oprah today. What she was talking about struck a chord with me. She was saying how in the new year to get back on track with weight loss or the journey of joy "You must put yourself on your to do list." I have not been doing that and this is why I feel so depressed about it all.
I hate using that word, I don't think I am Depressed with a capital "D" but I think I need to make some changes. Running seemed to help with all of these worries, it gave me my time in the morning and energy to chase the girls all day. Yet I find it impossible to get up and get it done. Where did I find that commitment before? How can I get it again?
Well, duty calls- I have child hanging off my arm.. More later!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Sick of it

We all caught colds right after my run and then Christmas happened. So needless to say I have not run in quite some time.
I am tentatively committed to running a 10K at the end of February. The cowtown. If I can get my rear in gear this week I will pay my dues and run then.
I had an unexpected Christmas present-i am in pre-pregnancy jeans much quicker post Little M than I was with Big M. It is nice to have a pair that fit just right.